World Family Trip

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And so the adventure begins

Welcome to our World Family Trip blog. Our tickets are booked and the countdown has begun. On the 1st September 2018 we are leaving London for a year to explore the world with our two kids in tow. I still cannot quite believe I am writing this. David and I have been talking about doing a world trip for a few years and in January we made that enormous first step and booked the tickets. The time was right. For our year away, our eldest would be in Year 5 (no exams) and our youngest, not yet in school. 

Why are we leaving London behind? To live on our own terms. To relax into family life. To push ourselves out of our routine and to explore other countries and cultures. In other words, to have the adventure of a lifetime. We have still so much to plan and prepare and sometimes I get so overwhelmed by the magnitude of what we are about to do that my stomach is in knots but I am so proud of us. There is one thing to want to quit the day job to travel the world it's another thing to actually book the tickets and say we are doing this. The weeks following the booking were liberating. Talk about New Year's resolutions, this was a big one ticked off by the end of January.

We decided to start this blog before leaving, as there is so much to share in the run up to our very own World Family Trip. Our doubts, our dreams, our decisions and our dreads (how will our feisty Grace behave? is a biggie). My mum sent us this card (see image above) as soon as we broke the news... And so the adventure begins.